Ovie doesn't need to score goals....

Monday, February 22, 2010

....he just needs to SMASH Jagr....

...and let a2 and Eggplant do the rest of the work. Easy.


Unknown said...

Quite possibly the greatest moment in Olympic hockey since The Miracle on Ice.

As I said before, Caps fans HATE Jagr so how sweet was this? When I find a good still of it, it's going on my computer's desktop.

Eternal Pessimist said...

Naaah, best thing since Canada won gold in 2002 :D

But yeah, let's not go THERE. Point is, I love that hit. Absolutely fantastic ;D Is it just me or has Ovie been a wrecking machine throughout the entire tournament so far? More so than he normally is.....?

Unknown said...

He's been on a different plane since the Caps named him captain. He's always been very physical but lately he's been hitting anything that moves.

I know it's a sore subject but did you hear Ryan Miller after the game? He was talking about how it was great to beat Canada but the US still has a tough road ahead and if the US plays Canada again "they are going to be really angry."

Um... yeah. I can only imagine!!

(btw, Ryan's cousin Kelly Miller was a Cap for 13 years - one of my all time faves. As a matter of fact, Sweden's coach Bength Gustafsson is an all time Cap fave too. And nice game by Pie last night! We didn't stay up for that one - those first two games were exhausting!)

Eternal Pessimist said...

I didn't hear Miller but I heard that he was classy about it. That's nice of him! All that being said, I still do not like him though (definitely because he's a Sabre as opposed to being American).

I only saw a few mins of the Sweden/Finland game but I saw Pie get an assist on the first goal. Pie looks funny in yellow :D

Shan said...

I like Ryan Miller more than Brodeur. I've never liked Brodeur actually...

Eternal Pessimist said...

I've never gotten the whole love-affair with Brodeur. I really don't care much for him... =/

(also just noticed that that last comment by me before was full of grammar fail)

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