Quote of the Day: It's a miracle Safin has lasted this long

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Q. Were you describing yourself as maybe someone that finds it sometimes stressful and doesn’t enjoy those moments always?

MARAT SAFIN: I don’t like any sports. For example, I would not play soccer. I would not play hockey. Basketball I hate. I never watch any sports on TV. It’s amazing, and I’m a tennis player.

But I don’t like it, the competition. For example, if I have to play soccer against neighborhood, I will play for ten minutes and then I get bored. I’m not a player.

Q. How did you last this long at this level?

MARAT SAFIN: It’s a miracle, huh? It’s a miracle.

Aww, Safin, you're making me sad and I never got to watch you when you were good =(


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