Off season braindead-ness sets in....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's almost the off season and with any luck the season wil be over by Saturday (right Wings? Right). To honor the braindeadness that comes with the off season I drew - and coloured! - another stick figure drawing. Of the Flyers.... err yeah....

To explain: I was talking to someone about their jersey colours. And we agreed that that orange is the same colour that you'd wear if you went hunting... But then I said that Itty Bitty couldn't possibly go hunting because he'd get hurt. He'd have to go butterfly hunting instead....

Click for bigger picture.


Grrrreg said...

Colors! yay!
I really like Brière running after his butterfly. He's so delicate. I'm sure he actually hunts butterflies in the offseason.

Number31 said...

I thought he WAS a butterfly.

Eternal Pessimist said...

I can actually picture him doing that...*g*

Ooo he is a butterfly? I thought he's made of glass =) like Charles VI of France. Well, okay, so the French dude only THOUGHT he was made of glass. Some difference =p

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