Round 2 calls for... a Staal Bro 1 voodoo doll!

Friday, May 1, 2009

As requested only two hours ago by Dwatson783 on Twitter. I think Staal Bro 3 needs a voodoo doll too =) And a better picture will come later when I'm not supposed to be making dinner.

I know, I know. He'll get ugly eyebrows after and I'll try to make the weird logo that makes no sense...

As promised... Better pictures of Staal Bro 1!

Oh wait... that's another group shot of the Voodoo Dolls of Doom... Here's Staal:


Sarah said...

So good. XD

Eternal Pessimist said...

Now all I have to do is figure out how to make three more pretty much the exact same... Although apparently Bro.2 and 4 have red hair...Minor details in the grand scheme of things =p

Anonymous said...

On the last picture, it looks like he has angel wings because of the pillow. Or maybe devil wings, if the devil has wings....

Eternal Pessimist said...

LOL! True... I didn't notice that before. There's no way that any Staal Bro has wings though =p

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